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Report Bolga Trip

Report from Bolga trip, a meeting with Tech members, 20th September, 2014

On the 20th of September, Kim and Matthew visited Bolga on behave of Tech Support Ghana, to meet partners and discuss social issues concerning Tech Support Ghana.

We met Hillary Adongo. Hillary is the Executive Director of Restorative Seed Society, a Bolgatanga Based NGO. He is also and entrepreneur, a poetic writer and development Advisor.

Restorative Seed Society started in December, 2012.  It is aiming at raising social entrepreneurs, providing training to people and also giving advices to business minded people.

Main purpose:

They also aim at solving social business challenges; that is helping people who have business idea but don’t know where to start from.

They help people to register their business and offer proposal development. Also, they organize seminars for people on social entrepreneurial development to educate them about social entrepreneur.

They offer communication and leadership training; this training is done by renting a place for such programs.

How they get people involve:

They produce flyers and distribute to people concerning the up coming program and also post the information on Facebook wall. This is done in order to create awareness to people, to engage them in their programs.

Main objective is to reach social entrepreneurs to help them bring up their business modules and giving them ideas and support how to start or improve their businesses. This reduces social crime in our societies.

On the 21st September, 2014.

Meeting with Richard and Dorithy at Navorango, Google-group. Richard is the ambassador of the student’s Google group. He writes proposals to Google and organizes Google events for students, this is to teach people know how to create their template and sell Google products.

Main target is the students and anyone who has an interest in I.T and wants to learn from Google products. Universities, polytechnics, SHS and anyone who wants to learn or who has an interest in this event. Richard is also a member of the Mozilla Firefox. Google group want to partner with Tech Support so that, together we grow, that is; they introduces people to such products and offer training and Tech Support carries on the practical work.

They will like to organize Google events in Tamale, which Tech Support is urged to Tech Support to take part and support them and also market ourselves. Richard and some two others will be joining the Road Trip 2014 to Accra.

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